
First Recommendations

Congratulations! You are one API call away from getting your first Xineoh recommendations!

The final part of this step-by-step is to test your recommendation model.

Any one of the recommendation API calls would work. But for this guide, we have chosen a cluster recommendation request because it combines both recommendations and clustering.

Get Recommendations For Item Cluster API Call:

GET - /recommender/recommendations
Params: { version: ‘v3.0’, type: ’cluster_recommendations’, cluster_type: ’item’, id: CLUSTER_ID }

Successful Response:

    "status_code": 200,
    "response": {
        "data": [
                "id": "ID",
                "perc": "SIMILARITY_PERCENTAGE",
                "title": "ITEM_TITLE",
                "item_id": "ITEM_ID",
                "tooltips": []
                "id": "ID",
                "perc": "SIMILARITY_PERCENTAGE",
                "title": "ITEM_TITLE",
                "item_id": "ITEM_ID",
                "tooltips": []
        "total": 20

Here you have your first Xineoh Recommendations.

Please feel free to try out other calls to see the capabilities of the Xineoh Consumer Behaviour API.